The Holy Bible
Book of John, Chapter 10
"Here is some more of the truth. You can tell a thief by the door he uses. Someone
who tries to climb into the sheepfold over the wall must be a robber. The person who comes
in through the door is the legitimate shepherd. The gatekeeper will open the door for him,
and the sheep recognise his voice. The shepherd calls his own sheep out of the flock, and
leads them out to pasture. As he goes along, he doesnt even have to herd the sheep.
He walks in front, and they follow his familiar voice. They wouldnt follow a
strangers voice
they would run in all directions." This is parable Jesus
told to the crowd, but they had no idea what he meant. Jesus explained again "These
are true words: I am the doorway in that sheepfold. You have seen plenty of thieves and
robbers come along
and you didnt recognise their voices. I am the door. If
someone wants to come in through the door, they will be saved. They will be able to move
freely, and find good food to eat. What do you think the thief wants? To steal, and to
kill and destroy! I am here to bring life
full and fulfilling life! I am the good
the one who would die to protect the sheep. A hired worker who doesnt
personally care for the sheep would behave differently. If he saw a wolf coming, he would
simply leave the sheep and bolt. The wolf would have a fine time scattering the sheep. The
hired worker runs because he is just an employee, and doesnt care about the sheep. I
am the good shepherd. I know my sheep, and they know me. The Father knows me, and I know
the Father. He knows I will die to protect the sheep. But there are other sheep who are
not even safe in the fold. I have to go and fetch them. They have to learn to hear my
voice too
then there will be one sheepfold, and one shepherd. The Father loves me
because I will die for the sheep. This is the only way to end up with life! No one will
make me do this
I choose to do it. I have the power to make this choice, and I have
the power to live again. This is the direction the Father has given me."